Love the idea of thanking God for each subscriber! What a wonderful reminder to show gratitude, even when numbers aren’t what we hope they are.

I just came out of an exhausting fall, so I’m still catching my breath and thus haven’t had the chance to think through what I learned this year, but as for something I didn’t do this year… posting on my Substack again. I think I only wrote one post the whole year, and I can feel the negative effect of not doing some personal writing on the regular.

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My goodness, I don't know how I missed this. Thanks for sharing! Sometimes it's just not our season. Just write for yourself, even if it is only your prayers. I've often just prayed for God to give me words. He is the source of all beauty. Words you want to share will come back, I have no doubt. 💛

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1. Walked slowly but surely out of a mental health dip.

2. I have to be careful of what I am looking at and listening to (eg I haven’t had Insta for a few years now). I acknowledge the feelings that come with comparison (eg inadequacy or jealousy), give them space then ask God to help me focus on what is important at the moment. Being aware of what the priorities are for my life and what I know is success for this day, month, year… it usually looks different to what I have been conditioned to see as success and what I am comparing myself to. Gratitude lists and learning to practice conscious noticing noticing noticing of the many beautiful moments in my day.

3. A pull up.

4. It may seem cheesy but I learned more than any previous year that I have walked in the goodness of God, he has been so faithful.

Thank you for writing! Yours has been one of my favourite stacks to read this year. Encouraging, real, inspiring, with lots to learn from. Congratulations on 2 years!! Well done for showing up line bu line💪🏼👏 I really enjoy your poetry, I have finally started putting some of my own on Substack but it will definitely be a one line at a time process.

Looking forward to reading your writing in the future 🥳🥳

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Oh my goodness, Jess. Thank you so much for sharing all of this. I’m going to be thinking about those tips on comparison for a while. Natasha Mila also mentioned thinking about her own priorities in one of the other comments. I’m so encouraged to hear that you walked out of a mental health dip, line by line, can do a pull up, and can see God’s goodness more today than you did last year!!

Thank you so, so much for the kind words. I teared up! So glad to see you are writing poetry. Keep going 💛💛💛

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Congratulations, Bec! Two years is a big accomplishment. And I adored your #5 tip re: fighting comparison! So beautiful <3

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Awww thank you so much Megan! Thank you for reading. It’s a gem of a tip isn’t it? Love Annelise’s approach. 💛

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Two years! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 cheers to all the tiny, baby steps ✨

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Thank you Ruth!! 🥹😘

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Congratulations on two years, friend! I’m so glad I got to be part of your Substack, too! 🥰

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Nawww! Thanks friend! It’s fun having internet friends to cheer you on!✨

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I loved point 5 - what a beautiful thing to do and what a good way to make sure that my writing is for God and not for the applause of people! It's so easy to get focused on numbers! Congrats on 2 years! That's so cool that your poems are in a book (!!!) after two years here! What an achievement 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I'm learning more and more about poetry and how much I love it and how much I enjoy writing in poetry form rather than prose. I thought when I started here that I would be writing essays! But poetry is what comes out of my thoughts - I think I like the patterns it involves and how succinct yet descriptive you can be. Anyway you are one of my fav Substack writers 💛 can't wait to see where your writing takes you next!

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Awww thanks Kym!! What kind words! Wow. Thanks so much for all the encouragement

It makes me really happy to see you love poetry! It surprised me too, how much I love it. Loved your return to villanelle 🤩🫶🏻

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Thanks Bec 💛

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Awww happy two years Bec!!! That’s a long time to stick with anything let alone fortnightly writing — and with a baby!!! You are my hero! Also, A Brush with Instagram! Loved seeing that referenced here. One of my faves. ☺️

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Nawwww!! Thanks, Sledge! 💛💛💛

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So proud of you and all you’ve accomplished creatively this year! 🙌🏼

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Awww thanks friend 💛

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Congrats on two years! I have loved reading your work and meeting you here. Love that you had guest contributions in your time away prioritising motherhood.

A writing goal I'm proud of is simply breaking my writing hiatus with a once-a-month posting schedule. It's not a lot, but it's what I can manage without losing my joy and sanity. I love that the Substack community is so supportive of different paces and encouraging writers to remain sustainable.

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Awww thank you!! I love that you’re giving up the hustle and just pursuing writing in a joyful, sustainable way 💛💛💛

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Happy anniversary! It’s been a joy to read your work and write with you!

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Awww thank you! Love writing with you too! 💛💛💛

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Cheering you on! I very much relate to the baby steps.

Most of the year has been kind of chaotic and felt like I’m drowning, but we’ve done a few things 😅 Kind of crazy when I think back to a year ago (but also I’m just so tired). I think the more I try things, the more I realize that nothing is ever going to feel very manageable while I’m doing it.

I’m always going to feel a little out of my depth, and maybe that’s where all the growth happens.

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Ooof. Yes. Those final lines—I think you’re right. Growth isn’t in the comfort zone. Thanks for the encouragement. Yours is one of my favourite substacks to read 💛

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Oh I love this idea to be thankful for an actual person before reading their email!

The end of our year has felt like a whirlwind. I’m used to wrapping things up with a mediocre bow at the least, but this year, life feels like very much like the box has been left open.

Regardless, we got 14 chickens and built a whole outdoor coop and run. Which honestly was 10 times more of a learning curve than our 4th babe. I’m happy that I was still able to write a bit within this craziness. But probably my biggest accomplishment has been to be off social media (except Substack) since maybe March ish??

Comparison is so tricky for me, but one thing that helps is remembering that we all have different priorities and being really set on what mine are.

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Yeah, like you know you get the email that someone has subscribed? Just say a quick prayer of thanks.

So many good things here! Fourth baby! Chickens! Writing! No social media! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

You’re so right. Life is short. We can’t do everything so being on clear what we are doing would help. 💛

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