I don’t know if this is helpful, but I’ve found writing in pregnancy to be so difficult! I was so frustrated by it this last time that I started researching the brain changes of pregnancy and matrescence. What I found was that your grey matter shrinks during pregnancy, and then it grows again postpartum (along with your amygdala getting bigger (hello anxiety) 🙃) but the emphasis of which neural pathways are developed is different and geared heavily towards pro-social and survival behaviors. In rat studies, the same neural pathways in the brain light up when they smell their baby as when they’re given cocaine. That made me laugh — God’s design to ensure that these babies survive is pretty spectacular (although our current culture is not very well suited to some of the adaptations). It really helped me to know that my brain actually was under construction and it wasn’t just my imagination. It’ll come back! Trust that good groundwork is being laid ❤️

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Mar 23Liked by Rebecca Marie

Back when I was in my childbearing years, I was not trying to write more than a personal journal, and that was never a daily thing. But after a few pregnancies I began to notice a pattern, which continued through five of them: I rarely wrote a word in the journal when I was pregnant. This was curious to me, and over the years as I've wondered about it, I think it has something to do with creativity. I was unconsciously but holistically completely fulfilled and happy, when all of me body and soul was engaged in making a new human being. I didn't need the outlet of creating sentences or working through my thoughts and feelings with pen and paper.

I can't imagine what my life as a wife and mother would have been like, if I'd had the internet and a computer keyboard with word processor back then. Because of the way our world is now, I don't know if my experience will contribute anything to your understanding of your own situation, you being someone who is already in the habit of writing a lot. But instead of thinking of your brain as mush, you might consider that your brain -- as another organ of your body and not the whole of you -- is just taking a back seat to other organs for a time. God bless your family and give you peace <3

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Mar 23Liked by Rebecca Marie

Keep writing :)

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Apr 4Liked by Rebecca Marie

There was a whole lot of head nodding while I read these words! Currently in my second trimester and feel so similarly. I’m trying to let it be… while also challenging myself to practice until the next idea comes 🤪

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So relatable on so many levels!

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Mar 25Liked by Rebecca Marie

Love this Bec! I found that I was creatively inspired in the first trimester because I slowed down and napped a lot and then had nothing to give in the second and third. Post partum I have so. many. ideas. that come to me when I'm feeding in a dark room (like my last poem!) but lack the time to refine it and get it out there. But writing is so therapeutic! I can't help it either. And I think you've mentioned this to me before, to just write it down on a Google doc and then work with it when you can. Love this prompt - it made me smile 😊 pregnancy and birth and post partum is such a wild and wonderful ride!

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Oof. This one resonated!! I am 38 weeks pregnant right now and feeling the same way… it’s like every creative writing brain cell I once had is gone. And this after two iron infusions ;)

Hang in there mama!!! We got this!

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Almost four months postpartum here after baby #2. Definitely struggled with ideas my whole pregnancy. Now in the phase where I have so many ideas, but struggle to find the time with a 2-year-old and infant. The words will keep coming, I’m sure. ☺️ Also, definitely thinking I may need to use this prompt myself sometime soon.

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Oh, please do keep writing. Your words mean so much to me, and I know I am not the only one. You are feeling a LOT right now and getting ready for a big change in your life. All of what you write is understandable. I hope you can find your way forward in a way that gives you life and peace. ❤️

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Mar 24Liked by Rebecca Marie

I really think you should keep writing. It’s such a gift of yours. But also I did laugh at some of your reasons for not being able to write. I’m not even trying to write but I can relate

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Love this Bec! I found that I was creatively inspired in the first trimester because I slowed down and napped a lot and then had nothing to give in the second and third. Post partum I have so. many. ideas. that come to me when I'm feeding in a dark room (like my last poem!) but lack the time to refine it and get it out there. But writing is so therapeutic! I can't help it either. And I think you've mentioned this to me before, to just write it down on a Google doc and then work with it when you can. Love this prompt - it made me smile 😊 pregnancy and birth and post partum is such a wild and wonderful ride!

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Love this Bec! I found that I was creatively inspired in the first trimester because I slowed down and napped a lot and then had nothing to give in the second and third. Post partum I have so. many. ideas. that come to me when I'm feeding in a dark room (like my last poem!) but lack the time to refine it and get it out there. But writing is so therapeutic! I can't help it either. And I think you've mentioned this to me before, to just write it down on a Google doc and then work with it when you can. Love this prompt - it made me smile 😊 pregnancy and birth and post partum is such a wild and wonderful ride!

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